We are back!
As you may have noticed, our beloved Amnesty International Student group of Amsterdam has been a little absent over the last couple of months. But there is good news; we are coming back to life! After a lot of preparing, discussing, and meeting up, our student group has completely reformed from what it used to be. Our board is different, the website is changing and we have lots of new members waiting to be introduced. One of the perks of this revival is the comeback of this blog and we hope you are as excited about it as we are.
The last few months a lot of new members have entered our student group and we are very happy about this. Because we want you to get to know us, soon we'll be introducing them to you. But also, if you're not part of the organizations behind all the events we have, we would love for you to get more involved. We are planning a lot of events that will soon be announced and we will make sure to keep you up to date on everything through our social media and of course our blog. Feel free to visit as many events you want to. Meet us, get inspired and be a human rights defender.
One of the frequent events we organize is are the writing nights, one of which we had last week. Writing nights are evenings where we come together, members and nonmembers, to write letters to authorities about matters that go against human rights. Causes we write about can be, for example, states violating human rights or demanding innocent prisoners to be released. It might seem like a small action, but even the tiniest deeds can have the greatest outcomes.
The writing nights are every month, and we will keep you up to date on everything through our social media. Feel welcome to visit and we hope to see you soon!